Senator T Cullerton 2022


SPRINGFIELD – As Illinois heads toward a greener future, State Senator Tom Cullerton (D-Villa Park) is advancing a measure to incentivize the use of electric motorcycles, which have a smaller carbon footprint than traditional ones.

“From the landmark climate legislation we passed last year, to a recent law incentivizing electric vehicle companies to take up shop here, Illinois has done a lot to ensure a clean energy future,” Cullerton said. “We want to make sure no one is left out of the transition to electric vehicles.”

The landmark Clean and Equitable Jobs Act included a provision to offer people who purchase electric cars in Illinois a rebate to help incentivize the transition to cleaner cars. Cullerton’s measure, Senate Bill 2940, would extend a rebate to those who purchase electric motorcycles.   

Cullerton partnered with ABATE of Illinois – the state’s largest motorcycle advocacy group – to work on this legislation. 

“Illinois has about 320,000 registered motorcycles,” Cullerton said. “Incentivizing a good portion of those motorcyclists to make the switch to a cleaner electric vehicle could have a strong impact on shrinking the carbon footprint of our state.”

In 2021, the General Assembly passed the Reimagining Electric Vehicle Act, which offers financial benefits for electric vehicle manufacturers in Illinois. Thanks to efforts by Cullerton, that legislation included a provision for manufacturers of electric motorcycles.

SB 2940 passed the Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee Thursday.
