TCullerton 2022


SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Tom Cullerton (D-Villa Park) issued a statement following Gov. JB Pritzker’s State of the State and Budget Address Wednesday:

“While every community has unique needs, we can all agree that making sure Illinois families get the necessary resources to get ahead is a top priority, along with helping our economy bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The increased allocations through the Local Government Distributive Fund will allow our municipalities  to respond to the issues that most affect their residents and help them get back to normalcy.

“Our most vulnerable schools will also be getting a much-needed boost under the proposed budget through the well-funded Evidence Based Funding Formula and additional federal dollars.

“As work on the budget really ramps up, I look forward to exploring ways to continue to pay down our bill backlog, honoring pension contributions and ensuring our families have the resources they need.” 
