Senator Cullerton 4 22VILLA PARK – As chair of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, State Senator Tom Cullerton (D-Villa Park) is calling on the U.S. Congress to repay debt owed to the National Guard for their service providing security to the U.S. Capitol in the wake of the Jan. 6 riots.

“The riots at our nations’ capital were a scary time for many,” Cullerton said. “Hundreds of men and women from Illinois were sent with the National Guard to assist in the aftermath of those riots, putting their safety on the line to protect the Capitol. It is only fair for them to be fully compensated for their duties.”

With expenses from the D.C. mission still outstanding, the National Guard is facing devastating prospects if this funding is not immediately repaid, including a reduction in exercises, weekend training, and potential furloughs, placing a significant financial burden on individual members of the guard, putting their monthly drill checks and insurance payments in jeopardy.

“These soldiers put their lives on hold including jobs, schooling, and time with their families to support the needs of our country,” Cullerton said. “I urge Congress to act as quickly as possible to address this debt and prevent any further burdens on our Illinois National Guard.”

Over 25,000 Guard troops answered the call in January to protect the Capitol following the Jan. 6 riots. Thousands remained in Washington, D.C. until the end of May to provide support to local law enforcement and ensure the safety of the nation’s capital city.