tc const 051821VILLA PARK – State Senator Tom Cullerton (D- Villa Park) announced that DuPage County is set to receive nearly $6 million in grant money from the Rebuild Illinois plan.

“As the summer construction season gets underway, I am excited to see that our community will be receiving more funding to improve our roads and bridges,” Cullerton said. “Modernizing our state’s infrastructure is vital to bringing travelers from near and far to Illinois.”

This round of Rebuild Illinois grants is the fourth of six rounds to be distributed to advance municipal, township and county projects across the state. The grants are overseen by the Illinois Department of Transportation and will total $1.5 billion when all rounds of grants are distributed.

“As more funding is secured, the projects in DuPage County will bring in good-paying jobs to the community,” Cullerton said. “Investments in our infrastructure has countless payoffs, from shortening people’s commute to drawing visitors to the area.”

Through these grants, Illinois has already seen the improvement of 3,000 miles of highway, completed over 180 bridges and launched hundreds of other infrastructure projects across the state. It is the fourth installment of funding allocated under the plan.