Sen. Tom Cullerton

VILLA PARK – Illinois residents will soon have a clearer picture of the state’s finances thanks to State Senator Tom Cullerton.

Signed into law today, Cullerton’s legislation, House Bill 313 requires the Illinois Comptroller’s website to display the amounts and dates of expenditures by state agencies to vendors, the salaries of each state employee and graphical data whenever possible.

“Illinois taxpayers have a right to know how their money is spent,” Cullerton said. “While this online database provides residents with an excellent resource, this legislation will expand the scope of the website to create an even clearer picture of the state’s finances.”

The website currently shows all of the state financial records and reports, with the same up-to-date numbers and information that are used by the Comptroller’s office in carrying out its Constitutional duties, including employee salaries. Cullerton urges Illinois residents to visit to inspect state revenues, expenses, contracts and salaries.

In addition to increasing transparency about individual employee salaries, the new law will also extend to information about private-sector firms that seek contracts from the state.

“Our goal is to ensure this comprehensive financial database gives taxpayers an up-to-date and reliable method to inspect state revenues and expenditures to improve fiscal transparency in our state,” Cullerton said.

The bipartisan legislation passed the General Assembly with unanimous support and goes into effect immediately.