
SPRINGFIELD – Citing local safety concerns from the Wood River community following an unexpected power plant demolition, State Senator Rachelle Crowe (D-Glen Carbon) has advanced an initiative requiring property owners to notify communities of demolition plans across the state. 

“It’s concerning to hear blasts within your community without a warning,” Crowe said. “To prevent residents from being caught off guard and aware of potential health concerns, this measure seeks to require plans for power plant demolitions to be made public.”

Earlier this year, residents of the Metro East community were alarmed when explosions were heard from the decommissioned Wood River Power Station without warning.

The initiative amends the Environmental Protection Act by requiring the owner of a coal power plant to notify both the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and populations within 25 miles of the site at least 60 days before commencing a demolition.

Under the proposal, the notice must include details on the scheduled date and time, potential contaminants and any preventative measures implemented to control, mitigate or prevent pollution from occurring.

“Demolition plans take months to schedule, it’s a simple courtesy to inform the community that will be affected,” Crowe said. “Residents in communities across the state stand to benefit from a notification.”

Senate Bill 1920 passed the Senate Environment Committee Thursday and moves for further consideration before the full Senate.