oxycontin 112520OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma pleads guilty, accepts responsibility in opioid epidemic

MARYVILLE – In response to news that Purdue Pharma has pled guilty in federal court and formally accepted responsibility for its part in the national opioid epidemic, State Senator Rachelle Crowe (D-Glen Carbon), chairwoman of the Illinois Senate Special Committee on Opioid Crisis Abatement, released the following statement:

“Tuesday’s guilty plea by Purdue Pharma is a win for families with loved ones facing addiction. 

“This case is a prime example of corporations putting profits over people, and I’m glad to see justice has been served. Unfortunately, Purdue Pharma isn’t the only company to blame. It’s time to close loopholes and put a stop to the exploitation of patients in need for financial gain.

“My thoughts are with those suffering from an opioid addiction due to corporate greed, and I’m committed to improving and expanding addiction prevention and treatment programs to put Illinois on the road to recovery.”