capitol complex

SPRINGFIELD – A loophole in legislative pay law allowing legislators to receive an entire month’s pay despite not serving the full month would be closed under a proposal by State Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin).

“In any other job, a person would not be compensated for an entire month if they only worked one day,” Castro said. “This is a glaring loophole that has been exploited far too many times at the taxpayers’ expense, and I’m sick of it. It needs to be closed.”

Under current law, a retiring legislator can receive pay for an entire month, even if they only serve one day. Castro’s proposal closes the loophole by establishing pay on a prorated basis for legislators who do not complete their team. The law would take effect in January of 2021, at the start of the 102nd General Assembly.

The law is a collaboration between Castro and Illinois Comptroller Susanna Mendoza.

“I look forward to working with Comptroller Mendoza to close this loophole once and for all,” Castro said.

Senate Bill 2456 was filed with the secretary of the Senate last week. It will be read into the record for the first time during a perfunctory session later this month.