castro pups 060321SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Cristina Castro (D- Elgin) passed a measure to put an end to the demand for pets from inhumane breeding operations by requiring pet stores to source their animals from rescue shelters.

“We’ve seen too many families purchase pets from a pet shop, only to take them home and find out they have a myriad of health issues,” Castro said. “Too often, pet shops source their animals from intensive breeding facilities that treat animals like objects instead of the living, breathing creatures they are.”

Puppy mills are facilities that breed dogs in an intensive and inhumane way. In these establishments, dogs and puppies are often kept in dirty and unsafe kennel conditions and not provided with proper veterinary or behavioral care. Some pet stores choose to source from these kinds of operations.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, only 6% of dogs and 3% of cats are purchased through pet stores, meaning that many opt to get their pets directly from a breeder or an animal shelter. The measure, House Bill 1711, would put an end to pet shops sourcing their animals from inhumane breeding operations by requiring them to only sell dogs and cats sourced from animal shelters.

“Reducing the demand for cheap puppies from these facilities will make it even harder for them to operate,” Castro said. “I will continue to work to ensure these animals that become such important parts of our families are treated with compassion and dignity throughout their lives, starting with how they are bred.”

HB 1711 passed the Senate and moves to the governor’s desk.