Road workers


ELGIN – This week is Work Zone Awareness Week, and as temperatures warm and construction ramps up throughout Illinois, State Senator Cristina Castro (D- Elgin) is reminding people to slow down and be vigilant when driving through work zones.

“We’re hitting the time of year when road construction is increasing,” Castro said. “It’s important that we keep those hardworking men and women who fix our roads and bridges safe by slowing down and moving over when we see orange lights and signs.” 

Illinois averages 6,400 crashes in work zones each year, resulting in 1,700 injuries and 34 deaths. When it comes to deaths associated with accidents in work zones, more than nine out of ten are someone other than a worker, including drivers, passengers, pedestrians and bicyclists.

To recognize those who have die in work zone-related accidents and to remind drivers to be careful in these areas, Governor JB Pritzker proclaimed April 26-30 as Work Zone Awareness Week with the theme of “Drive Safe. Work Safe. Save Lives.” The week aligns with National Work Zone Awareness Week.

“I urge travelers to slow down, drop any distractions and move over as they drive through work zones,” Castro said. “Together, we can keep ourselves and others in our community safe.”

Visit the Illinois Department of Transportation’s website for more information on work zones throughout the state and tips on being safe in these areas. 
