alvarez 042921SPRINGFIELD – On Thursday, Latino state lawmakers expressed support for the family of Anthony Alvarez and outrage at another life taken at the hands of police. Deeply frustrated by a system designed to produce these outcomes, lawmakers called for immediate action to eradicate state-sanctioned violence against Brown and Black young people. 

Less than two weeks after the public release of the video footage of Adam Toledo following police orders and still being killed, the lawmakers said this new evidence painfully reinforces that the status quo is unacceptable and reform cannot improve a broken system that does not guarantee public safety, whether you follow directives or as you ask, “Why are you shooting me?”

The Civilian Office of Police Accountability released police body-camera footage and area surveillance videos from the March 31 incident, in which Alvarez was shot and killed during a foot chase near his home in Portage Park. The shooting happened just days after Chicago police fatally shot 13-year-old Adam Toledo.

“The video of the shooting of Anthony Alvarez is disturbing, and I cannot imagine the sadness and anger his loved ones are feeling right now,” said State Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin). “Time and again, our communities of color are victim to systemic failures that too often end in tragedy. This failure of the criminal justice system is another indication that we have a long way to go before we see true reform.”

“We are again in mourning, again in shock, again meditating on the last words of someone taken from us by police,” said State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago), who represents Alvarez’s neighborhood, Portage Park. “Those words were ‘Why are you shooting me?’ It is a question police have not answered. As members of Anthony Alvarez’s community, we stand today in support of his family, and to demand answers to that question.”

“Anthony Alvarez, Adam Toledo and countless others killed by Chicago Police should still be with us today,” said State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago). “While confirmed killers like Kyle Rittenhouse are calmly taken into custody by law enforcement, young Black and Brown men are not afforded that treatment. I extend my deepest condolences to Anthony's family and stand with my colleagues in demanding a transparent investigation.”

“I stand by Anthony Alvarez’s family and community as they grieve his death and seek answers on the road to pursuing justice,” said State Senator Karina Villa (D-West Chicago). “There needs to be a full investigation into Anthony’s homicide and an overhaul of a broken system that continues to target communities of color.”