bush030920SPRINGFIELD – Frustrated by the lack of women in government and politics, State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake) passed a measure out of the Senate allowing political campaign funds to be used for child-care expenses.

“Highly qualified and experienced women and other young parents are being locked out of politics because of the cost of child care,” Bush said. “This legislation will allow talented people to run for office, work in politics, and volunteer their time without worrying about finding affordable child care.”


Senate Bill 33 would allow campaign funds to cover child-care expenses incurred by candidates, officeholders, campaign staff, and volunteers, as long as it is necessary for the fulfillment of political or governmental purposes.


“It’s high time for women to be proportionally represented in government,” Bush said. “Though the situation is slowly changing, women are still the primary providers of child care, so the cost of babysitters and daycare is a huge barrier to getting more women involved.”

Senate Bill 33 recently passed in the Illinois Senate and has moved to the House for consideration.