bush 090121GRAYSLAKE — A steadfast advocate of a woman’s right to choose, State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake) issued the following statement after Texas’ six-week abortion ban went into effect early Wednesday morning due to inaction from the nation’s top court:

“Millions of women across Texas were just stripped of their right to choose — and the impact is bound to be devastating. It’s disheartening and downright appalling that a basic health care right is being attacked in yet another state.

“Restrictive laws like the one in Texas don’t ban abortion — they ban safe abortion. They make abortion more dangerous and kill women. 

“While I am relieved women in Illinois are able to depend on the reproductive health care they need, I can honestly say I am afraid of what’s next when it comes to the infringement upon women’s rights across this country. We must stand strong against this misogyny.” 

Bush championed a law in 2017 that ensures Illinois women would still have access to safe and legal abortions should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade. She also led the monumental 2019 Reproductive Health Act, which repealed outdated abortion laws that have been blocked by the courts and ensured reproductive health care is treated like all other health care, and not as a crime.