Recycling Bins

SPRINGFIELD – People who have lived in an apartment might have noticed they typically only have one option to dispose of their waste: a large trash can. To give tenants a more sustainable way to get rid of garbage, State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake) is leading the charge to require recycling options at apartment complexes.

“We all know recycling is the right thing to do, but not everyone has readily available access to it,” Bush said. “The best way to be environmentally friendly and reduce waste is to make recycling more accessible.”

Any apartment building with more than four units would be required to offer a recycling service and the building owner would have to provide tenants with recycling bins if Senate Bill 1676 becomes law.

While all counties and municipalities must have a recycling plan under current law, they aren’t required to consider apartment complexes.

“Recycling is a simple, everyday act that can help save our environment if everyone takes part,” Bush said. “We don't let apartment complexes neglect trash collection, and we shouldn't let them neglect recycling.”

The measure passed the Senate Licensed Activities Committee Wednesday and now heads to the full Senate for further consideration.