smallbiz 070220PLAINFIELD — To help businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through the process of applying for state and federal emergency assistance programs, a new Small Business Development Center opened at the Joliet Junior College, Senator Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant (D-Plainfield) announced Thursday.

“Businesses across the state have experienced unprecedented financial challenges during the pandemic,” Bertino-Tarrant said. “Many hardworking business owners are still learning how to bounce back, and the centers will provide them with the help and support they need.”

Following months of business losses during the public health crisis, seven new Small Business Development Centers were created across the state to support small businesses during the reopening process.

The Joliet-based center, along with all new and existing centers across the state, will be available to help support businesses with applications for the newest relief programs introduced by the state — known as the Business Interruption Grants Program and the Rebuild Distressed Communities programs.

For more information on the Joliet center and others throughout the state, people can click here.