firefighter fire gear

JOLIET – State Senator Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant (D-Shorewood) is excited to announce the Joliet Fire Department is receiving $200,000 from the state loan program for new equipment.

“Our fire departments work tirelessly to keep our communities safe,” Bertino-Tarrant said. “The state has a responsibility to help our fire departments obtain vital equipment to keep residents and emergency service personnel as safe as possible.”

The Ambulance Revolving Loan is designed to assist departments or cities in purchasing emergency equipment they may not be able to otherwise afford. It is administered by the Illinois State Fire Marshal and Illinois Finance Authority.

Under the ARLP program, units of local government like municipalities, townships, fire departments, fire protection districts and certain categories of not-for-profit organizations can apply for no-interest or low-interest loans of up to $200,000 to spend on equipment. These loans must be repaid in 10 years.