teen work 072220URBANA – In an effort to help young adults find jobs during the pandemic, State Senator Scott Bennett (D-Champaign) supported the Illinois Department of Human Services’ COVID-19 Summer Youth Employment Program, which provides employment opportunities for youth in the community.

“Young adults are facing a tough job market because of the pandemic,” Bennett said. “This program is a unique opportunity for young workers to gain valuable work experience during these tough times.”

The state has dedicated $9.3 million to the program to employ low-income youth living in areas most affected by the pandemic.

Urbana Neighborhood Connections is one of 30 youth employment providers and will receive $500,000 to employ 100 youth workers for the next three months. Employees will be matched with work-based learning opportunities based on their age, ability and experience, and will take part in career development training. 

For more information about Urbana Neighborhood Connections program, contact Michelle Turner at 217-898-1019 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..