ides fraud 072220CHAMPAIGN – Since the COVID-19 crisis began, pandemic-related scams have been on the rise, and State Senator Scott Bennett (D-Champaign) is urging residents to stay vigilant so they do not fall victim.

The most recent scam involves potential unemployment debit card fraud. Some Illinoisans have reported receiving a KeyBank debit card and an unemployment letter from the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) despite never having applied for unemployment.

“Scammers are attempting to take advantage of this uncertain situation and commit unemployment fraud,” Bennett said. “Ineligible residents who receive an unemployment debit card should report it immediately and make sure their personal information has not been compromised.”

IDES confirmed individuals who have not filed for benefits but received a debit card or unemployment letter could be the target of fraud. Anyone who has received a debit card without filing should contact their local police department and report the incident with IDES.