body cam 040822SPRINGFIELD – State Senate Scott Bennett (D-Champaign) passed a measure through the Illinois Senate that addresses the reality of Illinois’ rollout of officer-worn body cameras.

“Protecting our communities is one of my top priorities,” Bennett said. “By clarifying language regarding body cameras and video storage, we can help law enforcement best do their job while also keeping those they protect and serve safe.”

Bennett introduced House Bill 4608, which would allow some state funds intended to purchase body cameras to be used to purchase data storage and personnel costs related to the rollout of body cameras. Additionally, the measure would allow officers to flag videos they believe may have evidentiary value and to clarify when an officer is and is not required to have the camera rolling.

This legislation is supported by the Illinois Sheriffs Association and the Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council

“Body cameras are critical for improving officer safety and the safety of our community,” Bennett said. “Not only will that improve safety, department-issued cameras help improve evidence quality and reduce liability for law enforcement agencies.”

Bennett’s measure passed the Senate with bipartisan support and heads to the governor’s desk for further consideration.