Senator Bennett


SPRINGFIELD – To reduce the cost of course materials and make them more accessible to Illinois students, Senate Higher Education Committee Chair Scott Bennett (D-Champaign) advanced legislation through the Senate to save students money.

“Cost and convenience play an important role for students when purchasing their course materials,” Bennett said. “With this legislation, higher education institutions will put course materials in students’ hands the right way and at the right price.”

Under the measure, students would receive digital access to their online course materials at a significantly reduced cost. These materials can be viewed on a computer, laptop or smartphone on the first day of class.

Bennett worked closely with the University of Illinois on this legislation to ensure students are set up for success by offering students maximum choice in selecting the learning resources that are right for them at the lowest market price. 

“Students want affordable course materials, and colleges and universities want to make sure students have the materials they need to thrive,” Bennett said. “This measure addresses accessibility and affordability head on.”

House Bill 4724 now goes to the governor for his approval.