Extended Office Hours Bennett copy


URBANA – State Senator Scott Bennett (D-Champaign) and his staff will be at the Urbana Free Library, located at 210 W. Green Street, on Thursday, March 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for remote office hours.

“I’m glad to offer remote office hours to the residents of Urbana,” Bennett said. “My staff and I can offer a variety of services, answer your questions, connect you with state resources and much more.”

These office hours serve as an opportunity for residents to speak directly with Bennett’s staff to receive help with casework and other issues at the state level, as well as provide informational resources.

This event is free and open to area residents. Bennett encourages everyone to visit for help accessing state services and to discuss legislative matters directly.

“One of the most important parts of public service is being accessible – I encourage folks to join us on Thursday,” Bennett said.


Residents can call Bennett’s Champaign office at 217-355-5252 with questions. To stay up to date on events Bennett’s office is hosting this spring, residents can visit SenatorBennett.com.
