Senator Bennett


SPRINGFIELD – The achievements and accomplishments of Career and Technical Education programs across the state will be recognized this February, thanks to the help of State Senator Scott Bennett.

Bennett (D-Champaign) championed a measure that declares February Career and Technical Education Month in Illinois.

“CTE incorporates many types of education, from classroom learning to certification programs and work-based learning opportunities outside the classroom,” Bennett said. “I’m proud to dedicate the month of February as CTE Month to highlight the important role it plays in our workforce.”

Approximately 12.5 million high school and college students are enrolled in CTE courses across the country. Advance CTE reports that the high school graduation rate for students who concentrate on CTE is about 90%– 15 percentage points higher than the national average.

CTE offers education and advanced training to support high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand occupations, including careers in health care, information technology, agriculture, finance, and education.

Bennett is pleased to see that roughly 30,000 students successfully completed dual credit CTE courses in 2018, which earned them college credit and saved them time and money toward their degree. Middle and high school CTE programs in Illinois serve more than 283,000 students. Illinois community college CTE programs serve more than 131,000 students.

“CTE plays a critical role in growing a qualified workforce for vital industry sectors,” Bennett said. “I’m proud to give recognition and support these folks.”

Bennett served as chief cosponsor of Senate Resolution 698. The resolution was adopted with bipartisan support in the Senate on Friday.
