census 090920DANVILLE — With the 2020 Census entering the final stages of its count, State Senator Scott Bennett (D-Champaign) and State Representative Mike Marron (R-Fithian) are reminding Vermilion County residents to complete the census for their household. 

“As the census draws to a close, I would encourage folks in Vermilion County to take a few minutes to complete the census so our community receives the resources and representation it deserves,” Bennett said. “Until there’s a 100% response rate, schools, roads, hospitals and other critical community services could be negatively affected. I encourage you to participate in the 2020 Census and get counted before the Sept. 30 deadline.”

Across Vermilion County, participation in the 2020 Census is lower than in the 2010 Census. Only 65.3% of Vermilion County residents have completed their census forms this year, as opposed to 70.2% of residents in 2010.

Marron says he is encouraging residents in the 104th district he represents in East Central Illinois to make sure they are counted, noting communities lose out on funding and representation for every person that does not fill out the census.

"September 30, 2020, is your last day to make sure you are counted in the census. The process is simple and completed online in about 10 minutes total," Marron said. "The census count affects the number of Federal tax dollars that make their way back to our communities. An accurate count also ensures that the residents of East Central Illinois will have adequate representation going forward for the next ten years."

The census is now safer, more secure and just as confidential. Filling out the form is crucial, as data from the 2020 Census will be used to draw new congressional district maps, helps determine how federal funds flow into states and provides information that will affect communities across Illinois for the next 10 years.

“Completing the Census is one of the most fundamental ways our citizens can invest in our community!  It only takes a few minutes to answer nine quick questions, and the return on investment for doing so is amazing,” Danville Mayor Rickey Williams Jr. said.  “Remember, not only do we lose approximately $1,400 for every person who doesn't reply, but our congressional representation is directly dependent on folks being accurately counted in our community. Therefore, if you haven't already done so, please complete your census response today!”

Residents can complete the census for their household at www.my2020census.gov or by phone at 844-330-2020.