freeway construction

SPRINGFIELD - State Senator Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) announced that the newly released Illinois Department of Transportation five-year Highway Improvement Program includes a major investment in Illinois Route 159 in Bunker Hill.

The Highway Improvement Program released by Governor JB Pritzker and a bipartisan group of lawmakers on Monday includes $3 million for repaving of IL-159 and the new construction of curbing and storm sewers along the state route from North Street to Alton Street within Bunker Hill.

“Like many in my hometown, I recognize that the drainage issues and unsightly ditches along Washington Street in Bunker Hill need to be addressed. It’s long overdue and I’m pleased that IDOT will finally take this much needed step to invest in our community,” Manar said. “I deeply appreciate the advocacy of Mayor Betty Phelps and the city council to help get this done.”

The project in Bunker Hill is one of 110 separate projects in the Senate district Manar represents, totaling approximately $357 million. These projects include major bridge repairs and the resurfacing of 250 miles of state roads.

In total, IDOT’s statewide program will invest $23.5 billion in improving and expanding roads and bridges throughout Illinois, more than double the size of the previous year’s Multi-Year Plan. Projects outlined in the plan will cover 4,212 miles of roadway and 9.2 million square feet of bridge deck statewide between 2020 and 2025.

“Beyond repairing roads and fixing bridges that are in desperate need, this bill, Rebuild Illinois, outlined by today’s Multi-Year Plan is going to put thousands of people to work across all parts of Illinois. This helps every corner of our state’s economy,” Manar said. “This is a sustainable program that’s going to be paying dividends to the people of this state for years to come.”

The announcement for IL-159 comes on the heels of a $199,400 grant to Bunker Hill to complete the final phase of development of Whitaker Park through the Open Space Land and Acquisition (OSLAD) program through the Illinois Department of Transportation. This investment will provide for improvements at the park including new handicap accessible restrooms and concession pavilion, a new softball field, and parking lot renovations.

Manar led negotiation efforts on the statewide construction plan on behalf of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus during the spring legislative session of the General Assembly.