manar demuzio 102120SPRINGFIELD – Following the passing of former state Senator and Carlinville mayor Deanna Demuzio, State Senator Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) released the following statement:

“I met Deanna Demuzio on a hot summer evening in 1995 at the Macoupin County Fair.  I was in college—her husband Vince took a liking to me and invited me to the fair with him to watch the queen pageant.  I was nervous that night driving to Carlinville from Bunker Hill. This was way out of my comfort zone, and I didn’t know the Demuzios, and they really didn’t know me.  Vince was late getting to the fair, so I found myself roaming aimlessly around the entrance to the grandstand—the only person wearing a pair of khakis and a polo shirt in the blazing heat.  That must have made me stick out like a sore thumb. Debating in my head how long I should stick around, a woman walked up to me as if she was on a mission. Armed with a smile, she said in the most pleasant of voices, ‘You must be Andy. I’ve heard so much about you.’ She handed me my ticket and said ‘follow me.’

As we made our way through the grandstand, Deanna must have sensed my nerves were shot. But I suddenly felt at-ease. Immediately, I was struck by her warmth and grace, her smile, her ability to make me feel comfortable. I think that was perhaps her greatest attribute, and that’s how I will always remember her. She was such a caring person.

“Deanna Demuzio was a central figure throughout my life – always there to help, inspire, and mentor. And I by no means was alone in that regard. Deanna was admired by so many. She was a trailblazer, and her name is synonymous with Carlinville and Macoupin County. Deanna was a fierce advocate for the things she believed in and represents the best that we all strive to be as public servants.  Words cannot fully encapsulate all that she has given to causes greater than herself over the course of her lifetime. 

“My deepest sympathies go out to her daughter, Stephanie, and the entire Demuzio family.

“Rest in peace my friend.  I will miss you.  We all will miss you.”