child abuse prev 102020SPRINGFIELD – To discuss further steps to assist survivors of child abuse in the Springfield area and throughout downstate, State Senator Andy Manar (D-Bunker Hill) met with Sangamon County Children’s Advocacy Center employees and Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois advocates Thursday.

During last spring’s budget negotiations, Manar, who chairs the Senate Appropriations II Committee, fought to ensure that Children’s Advocacy Centers received the funding they need to continue providing crucial treatment services.

“Yesterday I had the opportunity to see firsthand the dedication of the people who help abused children heal and find justice,” Manar said. “Thanks to groups like Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois, we are beginning to fill a large void in services for child abuse survivors, and I will continue to fight so they can help children in need throughout Illinois.”

The Sangamon County Child Advocacy Center coordinates the investigation, prosecution, and treatment of child abuse cases. The center utilizes a multidisciplinary team approach that includes the Department of Children and Family Services, Law Enforcement, the State’s Attorney’s Office, and the medical and mental health communities.

"I am so appreciative of the time that Senator Manar took to learn more about the vital and essential work of the 40 children's advocacy centers in Illinois,” Kim Mangiaracino, Executive Director of Children's Advocacy Centers of Illinois said, “Funding CAC programs remain a top priority in assuring that survivors of child abuse receive the services they need to provide justice, healing, and hope."

Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois is a network that coordinates and provides a comprehensive response to child abuse statewide by partnering with local CAC agencies to investigate and prosecute abuse claims.

To find a local children’s advocacy center, visit the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois website.