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SPRINGFIELD – Nov. 11 is observed in the United States as Veterans Day to honor those who have dedicated part of their lives to serving our nation’s armed forces.

The Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus proudly includes three members who served in the military: Sen. Michael E Hastings (Army, West Point ‘03), Sen. Tony Munoz (Army), and Sen. Tom Cullerton (Army).

In honor of the holiday, these members took a few moments to thank their fellow veterans and reflect on their own experiences while serving.

“While our Veterans Day celebrations will look quite different this year, setting time aside for reflection of the value of service in each one of our lives remains essential,” said Hastings (D-Frankfort). “Now more than ever, we need to focus on how we can get back to work as a community, especially during this time of need. Whether it’s volunteering at a food pantry or helping out a senior citizen, everybody has a chance to serve.”

“I want to thank those who have served and continue to serve our country for their dedication to the American people,” said Munoz (D-Chicago). “Especially in these trying times, we need to do everything we can to recognize and support the needs of our veterans. They have given so much for us, and they deserve the acknowledgement for their sacrifice.”

“Our veterans have put their lives on the line to keep us safe,” said Cullerton (D-Villa Park). “Veterans Day symbolizes a great tradition of honoring those who came before us. Take some time to show our veterans that we still appreciate the sacrifices they made to keep our great nation safe.”