EAST ST. LOUIS – In order to remove the growing concerns of procedural fairness in all industries for people of color, State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) says equity in food access, agriculture, cannabis and technology needs to further addressed.
“Accessing healthy food is still a challenge for many families, particularly those living in low-income neighborhoods, communities of color and rural areas,” Belt said. “Food insecurity has heavily increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and the issue needs to be further addressed.”
On Friday, the Senate Executive, Commerce and Economic Development, and Agriculture Committees held a joint hearing on equity in food access, agriculture, cannabis and technology. The discussion focused on increasing access to healthier foods in food deserts, threats to agricultural lands, equity in rural, suburban and urban farming, and equity in the cannabis industry.
Read more: Belt: Accessing healthy food is still a challenge for many families
CHICAGO – The Illinois Legislative Black Caucus held a joint hearing Friday to discuss the need for cultural competency among professionals in the health care industry, where State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) advocated for increased implicit bias training and anti-racist practices to ensure equity for patients of color.
“Structural racism must be examined in every facet of the health care system,” Hunter said. “It’s crucial that Black and Brown patients have access to health professionals that look like them, or at the very least, understand their circumstances. We need more diversity in the industry, with professionals who understand the inequities Black and Brown patients face, especially in terms of maternal mortality.”
Read more: Hunter calls for diversity in health care professional workforce
CHICAGO – In a continuing push to form a legislative agenda ahead of the upcoming fall veto session, the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus convened lawmakers from both chambers of the General Assembly to discuss criminal justice reform during a joint Senate hearing on Thursday.
“You cannot quantify the loss of trust between communities and law enforcement,” State Senator Elgie R. Sims Jr. (D-Chicago). “The inability to have a relationship between communities that is transparent, strong and built on trust is not a current reality, but it should be. These discussions are crucial to discover and implement meaningful solutions to rebuild trust between law enforcement and the people that they serve.”
Joint Senate committee hearings continue, bettering workforce development for young Illinoisans
JOLIET – State Senators Pat McGuire (D-Joliet) and Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant (D-Plainfield) will host a subject matter hearing Thursday to discuss improvements to workforce development and job opportunities for young people. This hearing continues efforts by the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus to build an agenda ahead of the upcoming fall veto legislative session.
"It's been several decades since one could roll out of bed the day after high school graduation and get a lifetime job with good pay and benefits," McGuire said. "Tomorrow's hearing will explore what experiences we must provide to K-12 students so they can attain economic security in the tumultuous 21st century economy."
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