SPRINGFIELD – Following the success of a law to provide more efficient ways for people to cast their ballot from home during the peak of the pandemic, a new proposal to make voting by mail permanently more accessible was signed into law.
“This keeps in place a number of voter conveniences that have proven popular,” said Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park). “It’s a great example of lawmakers listening to the diverse voices of voters and taking steps to maintain and encourage voter participation.”
Read more: New election law signed to encourage more voters to participate
SPRINGFIELD — On Thursday, Governor JB Pritzker signed Senate Bill 2017, the FY22 Budget Implementation Act, as well as Senate Bill 2800, the state’s spending plan, a package of legislation that puts Illinois back on the path toward fiscal stability.
"We have approved a budget plan that I believe is balanced, responsible and puts us on a path toward a brighter future,” said Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman, Elgie R. Sims, Jr. (D-Chicago). “Not only is this budget balanced, it provides stability by making our full required pension payment, paying down the borrowing we needed last year and funding many of our priorities to put our state on the right path."
DES PLAINES – State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) was awarded the first-ever Des Plaines Chamber Community Partnership Excellence Award on Thursday in recognition of her service and dedication to the community and its businesses.
“It is the greatest pleasure and honor to continue to serve this community,” Murphy said at the ceremony. “The people in Des Plaines make this community the fabulous place it is. None of us do this work alone—it’s only because of the support of the residents that we’re able to do it.”
The Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce & Industry selected Murphy to receive the award because of her longtime efforts to improve pedestrian safety in the community, particularly along Touhy Avenue in Des Plaines.
LAKE COUNTY, Ill. – Job seekers had the opportunity to connect with 15 local companies and learn more about open positions, employee benefits and getting hired at a virtual job expo on Thursday hosted by State Senators Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake) and Adriane Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove).
Johnson and Bush partnered with the Illinois Department of Employment Security and the Job Center of Lake County to host the expo, which attracted 60 candidates.
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