SPRINGFIELD –To ensure children with asthma, allergies and other medical conditions can enjoy after-school programs and activities safely, State Senator Laura Murphy has introduced legislation to allow program employees to administer life-saving medication to kids.
“At school, children can depend on their school nurse or other trained personnel to help with an EpiPen or inhaler. However, during after-school programs, there is not always that level of continuity with the regular school day,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “This legislation will give parents the confidence and peace of mind to enroll their children in sports, art classes and other enriching programs.”
Read more: Murphy plan allows after-school employees to administer EpiPens, inhalers
SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois State Senate passed a revenue package Wednesday containing a number of tax credits and tax emptions, including two measures championed by State Senator Christopher Belt that provide tax incentives to electric vehicle manufacturers and aircraft engine suppliers and manufacturers.
“The electric vehicle industry showcases the potential for the future of our state,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “Not only do these measures incentivize growth of the electric vehicle and aircraft engine industries, but also it will drive economic prosperity in Illinois while reinforcing the state’s commitment to fostering a sustainable business environment.”
Read more: Belt secures tax credits and exemptions for aircraft engines, EV manufacturers
SPRINGFIELD – The City of Kankakee will now be the latest community to be a part of the River Edge Redevelopment Zone Program, thanks to State Senator Patrick Joyce’s leadership to get Senate Bill 1963 over the finish line.
“When I was growing up, downtown Kankakee was a vibrant area full of small businesses and things to do,” said Joyce (D-Essex). “By adding Kankakee to the list of towns eligible to be in the River Edge Redevelopment Zone, investors and small business owners alike will have tax incentives to invest in the downtown area. This action aims to bring back businesses and give old river communities another chance for development.”
The River Edge Redevelopment Zone Program helps revive and redevelop environmentally challenged properties adjacent to rivers in Illinois. Currently, the River Edge Redevelopment Zone Act authorizes the Illinois Department of Commerce to designate zones in five cities: Aurora, East St. Louis, Elgin, Peoria and Rockford. This new legislation will add Kankakee and Joliet to the list of authorized municipalities in the zones.
Read more: Joyce opens the door for new developments in downtown Kankakee
SPRINGFIELD – On Feb. 15, 2019, a mass shooting took place at Henry Pratt Company in Aurora. Within 90 minutes of the shooter’s arrival, five people had been killed by the gunman. Five police officers were injured along with another civilian. The Aurora Police Department began reviewing the case for opportunities to use their drones at events; over the next three years, a plan was formed.
On Wednesday, Aurora’s State Senator Linda Holmes brought the work of law enforcement agencies who studied how the use of drones could play a role in protecting the public in mass shooting events, and House Bill 3902 – the Drones as First Responders Act – was heard and passed in the Senate.
“This measure gives police and other first responders critical information in a chaotic situation where lives are at stake,” said Holmes (D-Aurora). “This capability could spare another community the suffering and trauma we experienced here.”
Read more: Holmes advocates for drone use by law enforcement for public safety
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