SPRINGFIELD – A measure co-sponsored by State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) that would support investment in downtown Rockford passed the Illinois Senate.
“Since the River Edge Historic Tax Credit was created, the city of Rockford has experienced economic growth and significant restoration,” Stadelman said. “This extension will allow these investments to continue and further revitalize Rockford.”
Rockford has seen a significant amount of new development, largely due to the River Edge Historic Tax Credit Program, which gives a state income-tax credit to the owners of historic structures matching 25% of rehabilitation project costs.
Read more: Stadelman works to extend River Edge Historic Tax Credit for Rockford
SPRINGFIELD – In 2018, Illinois prohibited the trade of ivory and rhino horn, but other animal species continue to face the threat of extinction due to demand for their parts. Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) says it’s time for Illinois to protect more species, and legislation for that purpose passed out of the Senate Commerce Committee on Thursday.
“The federal policy regarding illegal smuggling and trafficking of wildlife parts has been strengthened, and it’s time for Illinois to get on board,” Holmes said. “Species are threatened with extinction because of these practices.”
House Bill 395 would prohibit the sale of products and parts of giraffes, sharks, sea turtles, pangolins, tigers, lions, great apes and other imperiled species. Some examples:
SPRINGFIELD – To pay tribute to fallen officers and their families, Assistant Majority Leader Tony Munoz (D-Chicago), a former Chicago Police Officer himself, attended the Illinois State Police Officers Memorial Ceremony in Springfield Thursday.
“This ceremony commemorates those who risk their lives every day to keep us safe and protect our communities,” Munoz said. “It is a time to honor the bravery of our fallen soldiers and show the surviving families that we support and care for them.”
The monument in Springfield, located on the West Lawn of the State Capitol, bears the names of the officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving their communities. It was first dedicated in 1990, and a ceremony is held each year to pay tribute to fallen officers and their families. The names of every officer who died while serving during the previous year are engraved in the monument leading up to the ceremony.
Read more: Munoz honors fallen officers at Police Memorial in Springfield
SPRINGFIELD – More than 20 years ago, a nuclear plant in the district State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake) represents shut its door. People lost jobs and the community was eviscerated.
To help provide jobs in areas where coal plants, coal mines or nuclear plants have closed and to foster the development of green energy across the state, Bush passed a measure Thursday to create the Energy Transition Zone Act.
“To protect our environment and stop global warming, we need to close coal plants – that’s not up for debate,” Bush said. “But, as we make strides toward green energy, we can’t forget about the families who rely on these plants to put food on the table or the communities that need their tax dollars to function.”
Read more: Bush: As we make strides toward green energy, we can’t forget about families
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