SPRINGFIELD – For decades, dozens of women have been missing or murdered in Chicago with little to no answers for their families. That’s why State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) is sponsoring legislation to address this issue.
“When a loved one goes missing or is murdered, that takes a huge toll on a family, and that is a pain that will never go away,” Hunter said. “That pain is magnified when the family is left with no answers, which is why we need a task force to offer guidance for how to handle these cases better.”
Read more: Hunter bill to create task force on missing and murdered women
CHICAGO – State Senators Omar Aquino and Mike Simmons (D-Chicago) spoke out about their legislation to help working families make ends meet at a Monday press conference.
Aquino showcased Senate Bill 3774, which seeks to increase the earned income tax credit for working families. This bill would incrementally increase the amount of the Earned Income Credit from an amount equal to 18% of the federal earned income tax credit, year over year.
"The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impacted working families in Illinois. The federal government and we in state government worked to support our communities in need with rental and mortgage assistance, among many other programs, but we need to do more,” Aquino said. “The Earned Income Credit will put money in working-class people's pockets. It's their hard-earned dollars that will support their day-to-day needs.”
Read more: Legislators, community members call for tax relief for Illinois families
CHICAGO – As the state and country loosen COVID-19 restrictions, State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago) issued a statement regarding the health concerns associated with the pandemic for children and people who are immunocompromised:
“This past winter, the Omicron surge was responsible for 20% of all child deaths from COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. This statistic instigates the need for continued action as the pandemic continues.
“Because children under five are still unable to get vaccinated, they are at a much higher risk for infection and acute illness, warranting the need for continued masking for them as well as immunocompromised people.
BELLEVILLE – State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Swansea) joined local community leaders to highlight a measure that would help recruit more volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel by providing an income tax credit at a press conference Friday.
“People rely on first responders when they are in a crisis,” Belt said. “Providing an incentive for volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel to encourage them to stay longer ensures that the fire departments have sufficient resources and residents know that emergency responders can act quickly in an emergency.”
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