ARLINGTON HEIGHTS – Seniors and people with a disability will soon see their vehicle registration fee significantly reduced thanks to a new law supported by State Senator Ann Gillespie.
“Vehicle registration fees can be a financial burden on seniors with fixed incomes,” said Gillespie (D-Arlington Heights). “This new law will cut fees by more than half for our seniors and neighbors living with a disability.”
Read more: Gillespie: Seniors to see vehicle registration fee reduced by more than half
CHICAGO – To prevent developmentally inappropriate standardized tests from being administered to young children, State Senator Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago) championed the Too Young to Test Act, which was signed into law on Friday.
“Standardized testing has historically served to keep groups out of institutions, and we know that the value and validity in our education system of using these assessments are highly questionable,” said Pacione-Zayas. “This law acknowledges well-established brain science research that asserts the fluidity of child development during the early years rendering standardized tests as developmentally inappropriate. Further, it lives up to the Governor’s vision of Illinois as the best state in the nation for families raising young children.”
Read more: Governor signs Pacione-Zayas’ Too Young to Test legislation into law
SPRINGFIELD – Widows of Chicago firefighters and police are one step closer to receiving additional support after a measure advanced by State Senator Robert Martwick (D-Chicago) was signed into law.
“Despite the false narrative of an overgenerous pension system, widows of Chicago first responders have been living with great financial hardship for decades,” Martwick said. “This adjustment is essential if we are going to support the widows of our Chicago firefighters and police officers who put themselves in the line of duty to keep all of us safe. I’m pleased that we are taking this small step to support the families who sacrifice so much for all of us.”
Read more: Martwick measure to provide security for widows of Chicago first responders becomes law
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) championed a recently signed law to ensure unbanked communities can establish a more equitable opportunity for residents.
“There are millions of people around the country, who due to the barriers of account balances and minimum deposit requirements, do not have a reliable bank,” Turner said. “This law will allow for communities to take a stand and create the conditions that allow for a more equitable banking experience.”
Read more: Turner’s plan to establish a more equitable banking system signed into law
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