SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Elgie R. Sims, Jr. is fighting to end youth solitary confinement – leading to better outcomes for children who are detained.
“Sadly, across the nation, young people are unjustly held in solitary confinement, spending 22 hours alone or more each day,” said Sims (D-Chicago). “That is inhumane and can cause grave psychological, physical and developmental harm.”
Sims’ measure would prohibit the use of solitary confinement on young detainees in detention centers for any purpose other than preventing immediate physical harm.
SPRINGFIELD – To prevent minors who are survivors of human trafficking, or other factors such as sexual abuse, from being tried as adults in certain criminal cases, State Senator Mike Simmons advanced a House bill out of the Senate Special Committee on Criminal Law and Public Safety on Wednesday.
“Survivors of child trafficking and abuse have endured unimaginable trauma and pain, and they should not be tried as adult criminals when they are simply trying to defend themselves and escape their abusers,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “Survivors deserve our support and compassion, and a system that protects - not punishes them.”
House Bill 3414 was inspired by Sara Kruzan, a survivor of child sex trafficking who was sentenced to life in prison when she was only 17 years old. She was eventually released and pardoned, however this legislation seeks to protect future survivors from a similar fate.
Read more: Simmons moves bill to protect young survivors of human trafficking being tried as adults
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Patrick Joyce passed a measure out of committee today that would allow for an easier way to obtain a hunting, fishing, trapping and sportsmen license.
“We are working to provide a practical solution for avid hunters, anglers and trappers in the state,” said Joyce (D-Essex). “It’s a win-win for everyone — making it easier for people to enjoy these hobbies while supporting our state’s conservation efforts.”
House Bill 3677 would allow Illinois residents to obtain a three-year fishing, hunting, sportsmen’s combination or trapping license at three times the cost of an annual one.
Read more: Joyce-backed measure advances, allowing three-year hunting, fishing and trapping license
SPRINGFIELD – Veterans deserve companionship – that’s why State Senator Loughran Cappel passed a measure out of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Thursday that would waive fees for veterans adopting dogs or cats.
“There is a special bond people share with their animals,” said Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood). “For our veterans, this bond can help their health and happiness.”
Across the state, pet adoption fees vary widely depending on the organization, ranging from $50 to $275. Loughran Cappel’s measure would require animal shelters and animal control facilities to waive the adoption fee for military veterans in Illinois.
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