EAST ST. LOUIS – State Senator Christopher Belt announced the opening of a kiosk in the Illinois State Police District 11 headquarters located in Collinsville to help Metro East residents apply and update their Firearm Owners Identification card and Concealed Carry License.
“The General Assembly, along with the Illinois State Police, has worked to better the FOID and CCL process for people,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “The application backlogs have been eliminated, lessening the time applicants have to wait for their cards.”
The Illinois State Police opened its fourth FOID Kiosk to help people apply for and update their FOID card and CCL. The Metro East now has a kiosk located in District 11 headquarters to assist individuals without access to online devices or who are experiencing difficulties online. Illinois residents can visit one of four kiosks across the state to receive one-on-one assistance.
Read more: Belt urges Metro East residents to take advantage of new FOID, CCL kiosk
CHICAGO – Over 100 businesses on the Southwest Side and Southwest Suburbs were awarded more than $3.2 million in funding from the Back to Business program thanks to advocacy and support from State Senator Bill Cunningham, and State Representatives Fran Hurley and Kelly Burke.
“After passing a fiscally responsible budget, I am thrilled to see new investment in our small business community,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the southwest suburbs.
A total of $3.21 million was awarded to 106 businesses in the 18th Senate District. The B2B grants are awarded by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity using funds allocated to them by the American Rescue Plan through last year’s state budget.
Read more: Southwest Side and Southwest Suburban small businesses receive $3.2 million
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Robert Martwick paid his respect to police officers who have fallen in the line of duty during this year’s Illinois Police Officers Memorial Ceremony in Springfield Thursday.
“This ceremony is a small gesture to pay our respects to the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe,” said Martwick (D-Chicago). “I am honored to have been able to attend this ceremony alongside police officers and their families to reflect on the bravery of those who have given their lives to keep our communities safe and to stand in support of their families during this difficult time.”
The monument in Springfield, located on the west lawn of the State Capitol, bears the names of the officers who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving their communities. It was first dedicated in 1990, and a ceremony is held each year to pay tribute to fallen officers and their families. The names of every officer who died while serving during the previous year are engraved in the monument leading up to the ceremony.
Read more: Martwick honors fallen police officers at Springfield ceremony
JOLIET – Over 50 businesses across Will and Kendall Counties were awarded a combined $1.8 million in funding from the Back to Business program thanks to advocacy and support from State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel.
“Small businesses bring so much life to our community and programs like Back to Business have been vital in helping them get back on their feet,” said Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood). “I’m pleased to see so many businesses take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.”
A total of $1.8 million was awarded to 56 businesses in the 49th District. The B2B grants are awarded by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity using funds allocated to them by the American Rescue Plan through last year’s state budget.
Read more: Small businesses see relief thanks to Loughran Cappel
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