SPRINGFIELD – College students may soon see more affordable course materials under a law sponsored by State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) to create a task force dedicated to making textbooks and other course materials more affordable.
“I’m committed to making higher education more affordable for Illinois students—finding ways to lower textbook costs is an important part of that fight,” Murphy said. “I am excited for the task force to begin work and find ways to lift the financial burden on college students and their families.”
The legislation creates the Course Materials Equitable Access and Affordability Study Task Force, which will research ways to save students money on course materials, examine digital learning materials in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and publish its findings online.
Read more: Murphy law will help save students money on college textbooks
Assistant Majority Leader Linda Holmes and Senator Laura Ellman co-hosted a free Mental Wellness Fair at Neuqua Valley High School in Naperville this week. More than two dozen people attended to talk with a range of organizations providing resources for people with all issues and different needs.
“This past year was tough on many of us,” Holmes said. “It is essential that we help provide our community with information about how to address their mental health needs and find tools to make adjustments in their lives for the better.”
Read more: Holmes, Ellman provide access to mental health services at Naperville event
SPRINGFIELD – Women – especially those with limited financial resources – will soon be able to receive hormonal birth control without visiting a doctor, thanks to a new law championed by State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake).
“Birth control is a basic health care service and should be treated as such,” Bush said. “Providing greater access to contraceptives is providing a more equitable health care system.”
Read more: Bush’s greater access to birth control measure becomes law
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner and the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority announced two grants totaling more than $340,000 for organizations in Springfield and Decatur to offer pro-social activities that may reduce violence and victimization or provide increased street intervention to young people and emerging adults aged 10 to 25 this summer.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for young people in these areas,” Turner said. “I’ve been working to address the root causes of violence since the start of my political career. I’m so proud of the work done on this initiative. These grants will increase programming, job opportunities, and provide safe spaces for our kids.”
Read more: Turner secures nearly $400,000 in grant funding for summer violence prevention programs
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