EAST ST. LOUIS — State Senator Christopher Belt helped secure a $2.4 million grant for the Metro East Auto Task Force — a move that will prevent carjackings, vehicle theft and break-ins throughout the community.
“The uptick in carjackings is a disturbing trend,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “Innocent people are being targeted by this senseless crime across Illinois — and particularly in the Metro East.”
With carjackings on the rise, Belt stood alongside Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias to announce a $2.4 million grant for the Metro East Auto Task Force. The group is a collaborative effort between law enforcement agencies to investigate and prevent auto thefts, carjacking and other related crimes.
Read more: Belt secures funding to tackle carjackings in Metro East
SPRINGFIELD – Students who participate in a work-based learning experience, like Future Farmers of America or 4-H program competitions or exhibitions, will be able to count the time outside of the classroom as hours of school work thanks to a measure championed by State Senator Doris Turner that was signed into law Monday.
“As a strong supporter of ag education, I advocated for the FFA and 4-H program students who have been jeopardized for missing class to participate in competitions,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “Learning through hands-on experiences, especially in the agriculture industry, is a great way for students to expand their wealth of knowledge.”
Read more: Turner push to include hands-on, ag education as school work signed into law
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt led a new law that will ensure fair compensation for teachers and protect school boards from undue financial burdens.
“Our state’s educators deserve a fair salary that keeps pace with the rising cost of living,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “This shows that we care about all teachers in the state who are educating our future leaders.”
Read more: Belt initiative to ensure fair compensation for teachers signed into law
SPRINGFIELD – To raise awareness of Lyme disease, one of the most underreported and dangerous vector-borne diseases, a new law championed by State Senator Laura Murphy will create the Lyme Disease Innovation Program.
“Every year, countless individuals face the challenges of living with Lyme disease,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “By increasing awareness, we can break down barriers, dispel myths and ensure that those affected receive the support, empathy and resources they need to navigate this often invisible illness.”
Read more: Illinois to increase Lyme disease awareness thanks to Murphy
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