SPRINGFIELD – In an effort to shield Illinois employers from costly lawsuits without rolling back the state’s strict digital privacy protections, State Senator Bill Cunningham filed Senate Bill 2979, which makes changes to the liability guidelines in the Biometric Information Privacy Act.
“Given the rash of cybersecurity breaches we hear about, Illinoisans should be proud that we have arguably the strongest digital privacy laws in the nation. However, our laws have not kept up with changes in technology, which has left some small businesses facing overwhelming financial liabilities,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “SB 2979 will keep the current privacy restrictions in place and hold violators accountable, as well as ensure businesses are not unfairly punished for technical violations of the law.”
Read more: Cunningham legislation reforms BIPA while protecting businesses and employees
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner is encouraging local grocers to apply for funding through the Illinois Grocery Initiative for the purchase of updated energy-efficient equipment.
“We must do everything in our power to eliminate the food deserts across our state,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “Through these grants, local grocers will be able to maintain residents’ access to fresh food.”
Rising energy costs lead to outdated equipment, which presents a major expense for small community grocers. Under the Equipment Upgrades Program, eligible grocers can apply for grants to upgrade heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment; refrigeration units and freezers; lighting systems; and other systems providing significant energy savings.
Read more: Turner announces $3.5 million in grants available for grocery store equipment upgrades
CHICAGO – Continuing the focus on building the behavioral health workforce in Illinois, Chairpersons of the Behavioral and Mental Health Committees, State Senator Laura Fine and State Representative Lindsey LaPointe convened the first of two joint Illinois House-Senate Behavioral and Mental Health Committee hearings Thursday.
“The state of Illinois is working with mental health professionals who are enacting groundbreaking solutions to expanding the behavioral health workforce,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “It is crucial to hear directly from mental and behavioral health providers across the state to learn the progress of these programs and how future legislation can make the biggest impact.”
Representatives of the Illinois Behavioral Health Workforce Development Center, a university partnership focused on making Illinois a national leader in supporting a robust system of behavioral health care providers, addressed the committee. Their testimony focused on the training programs being implemented to grow the workforce. They also talked about the roadblocks that need to be eliminated, including administrative burdens and gaps in Illinois’ mental health parity laws.
Read more: Fine convenes joint hearing to address shortage of behavioral health care professionals
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Linda Holmes sponsors legislation on a variety of topics each year, and it isn’t unusual for her animal welfare bills to gain media attention. That has risen to a new level this week as her “bear selfie” law has been featured in National Geographic.
“Throughout my career in the Illinois Senate, I have championed laws that address how wild and domestic animals are confined and used for profit, often in dangerous and unhealthy conditions,” said Holmes (D-Aurora). “The Wild Animal Public Safety Act addresses concerns with roadside zoos and traveling exhibitions by prohibiting close public contact with all primates and bears.”
Read more: Holmes featured in National Geographic story on top new animal welfare laws
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