SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner advanced a measure that would protect consumers by requiring notice for automatic renewals offered by businesses.
“Some businesses use deceptive tactics with automatic renewals, which can lead to unexpected charges for consumers,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “By providing sufficient notice of renewals, we are ensuring businesses are transparent and not taking advantage of us.”
Senate Bill 2764 would require businesses that offer a free gift or trial period of its products or services that automatically renew to notify the consumer by email at least two weeks before the cancellation deadline. The measure would apply to free gift or trial periods that last longer than 15 days.
ROCKFORD – State Senator Steve Stadelman advanced legislation through the Senate Judiciary Committee that keeps victims and survivors safe from their abusers by expanding the definition of stalking to include electronic tracking systems.
"As tracking devices become more popular, people are caught using them for the wrong reasons,” said Stadelman (D-Rockford).
With advances in technology, people are using electronic devices to keep track of their luggage, wallets and other personal belongings. However, people are also using them to stalk others.
Through Senate Bill 2683, Stadelman is working to change the Stalking No Contact Order Act to be consistent with the criminal definition of stalking. The new legislation would change the definition of “course of conduct” of stalking to include the use of an electronic tracking system to determine a person’s location, movement or travel patterns. The legislation would also allow judges to prohibit respondents from using electronic tracking systems and acquiring tracking information in a court order.
Read more: Stadelman legislation would expand criminal stalking to include electronic tracking
BUFFALO GROVE – To ensure the voices of every generation are heard, State Senator Adriane Johnson is introducing a Youth Advisory Board and a Senior Advisory Board, which will be accepting applications through March 10.
“The purpose of these boards is to amplify the voices of people throughout the 30th District,” said Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove). “My hope is that these groups will allow people to feel empowered to speak up, brainstorm solutions and ultimately build a better community.”
Members of each of Johnson’s advisory boards will meet monthly to discuss community issues that are important to them and how she can use her position as a senator to better serve both older and younger generations. The boards will be made up of seniors over the age of 55, and students from local high schools and colleges.
Read more: Johnson invites residents to join youth and senior advisory boards
BLOOMINGTON – Members of the Illinois General Assembly joined the Illinois Farm Bureau Wednesday for a press conference discussing the Family Farm Preservation Act – a measure being spearheaded by State Senator Dave Koehler and State Representative Sharon Chung.
“This measure is designed to protect farmers and their families by ensuring they can afford to keep their land,” said Koehler (D-Peoria). “In many instances, families have to sell their land after the loss of a loved one simply because it’s too expensive. This will give families the opportunity to continue passing down their farm from generation to generation.”
Read more: Legislators, Farm Bureau lead effort to protect family farms
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