SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mike Porfirio advanced legislation aimed at addressing flood-related concerns for tenants by adding disclosure requirements when a property is located in a flood hazard area or a lower-level unit has experienced flooding.
“It is our responsibility to advocate for secure housing environments for our residents,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “By championing policies that prioritize awareness, we can protect renters while strengthening our communities against the challenges of flooding.”
Currently, only seven states require some disclosure of flood risk to renters. Porfirio’s measure would equip potential tenants with essential information about flood risks before renting the property, fostering a fair and informed rental market.
Read more: Porfirio measure to notify potential renters of unit flooding risks
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Steve Stadelman is taking a significant step toward safeguarding consumers’ financial well-being by introducing legislation aimed at prohibiting consumer reporting agencies from including adverse information related to medical debt in credit reports.
“Medical debt should not serve as a barrier to financial stability and opportunity,” said Stadelman (D-Rockford). “No one should have to endure the added stress of damaged credit due to medical expenses beyond their control. This legislation is about ensuring fairness and equity for consumers, regardless of their health status.”
Senate Bill 2933 would prohibit a consumer reporting agency from making a credit report containing any adverse information about the consumer related to medical debt.
Read more: Stadelman measure to protect consumers from adverse medical debt reporting
For Michigan Avenue and downtown revitalization
SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Sara Feigenholtz passed Senate Bill 3679 — a bill three years in the making — out of the Senate Executive Committee on Wednesday with bipartisan support, meaning Illinois could soon join 45 states with permissive language to establish Business Improvement Districts.
“The pandemic dealt a blow to downtown business districts across the country. Illinois businesses are recovering, but they need the right tools to succeed,” said Feigenholtz (D-Chicago). “BIDs allow businesses to set their own agenda and reinvest 100% of funds they have contributed into safety and other improvements. BIDs are a huge win for retail, hospitality and tourism sectors.”
Read more: Feigenholtz advances Business Improvement District legislation
SPRINGFIELD — People come to Illinois from all around the world and have the difficult task of finding work, housing and a sense of community. This is all while navigating the confusing and lengthy immigration process. State Senator Natalie Toro is working on legislation to protect them from being taken advantage of during this vulnerable time.
“Protections against discrimination need to be in place for everyone who calls Illinois their home,” said Toro (D-Chicago). “Immigrants, some of whom have left their families or do not speak English, can be more vulnerable to exploitation and discrimination. My new legislation will make sure bad actors cannot discriminate against immigrants without being held accountable.”
Under Toro’s measure, threatening to report someone’s immigration status or suspected immigration status to federal immigration enforcement or another person would be considered intimidation — a criminal offense. If sentenced, those charged would face 2-10 years of imprisonment, as intimidation is a Class 3 felony. The measure would not create any penalty enhancements under current law.
Read more: Toro: It’s time to take a stand against discrimination
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