CHAMPAIGN – Illinois farmers should take advantage of an innovative program to help protect their farmland and our environment, said Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Scott Bennett.
The S.T.A.R. program (Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources), provides free instruction on how to ensure Illinois feeds the world while reducing their environmental footprint.
“This program helps farmers lose less to runoff, earn more from their land, and preserve the state’s natural resources for the next generation,” said Bennett (D-Champaign).
The S.T.A.R. program ranks a farmer’s field according to how well it practices conservation, all with the foal of safeguarding local waterways and maximizing productivity per acre. Participants determine their S.T.A.R. ranking by completing a field form, which is scored by a local reviewer on a five-star scale.
Read more: Bennett promotes S.T.A.R. Program to support Illinois farmers
SPRINGFIELD – Assistant Majority Leader Iris Y. Martinez (D-Chicago) has been named to serve on the Children’s Mental Health Partnership, she announced Tuesday.
“Children in Illinois are suffering from mental health issues because they don’t have access to the adequate resources required to treat their illnesses,” Martinez said. “As a member on this bipartisan coalition, I am devoted to being a strong voice for children needing assistance with their mental health.”
The Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership (ICMHP) is the only statewide, public/private partnership of policymakers and advocates in Illinois committed to improving the scope, quality, and access of mental health programs, services, and supports for children.
Read more: Martinez to continue advocating for mental health services for children
Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) hosted her 10th Annual Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Hall of Fame this week. The event celebrates the often over-looked work that over 280,000 grandparents in Illinois do to raise their grandchildren.
“I started doing the Hall of Fame because there was no support at all for grandparents,” said Lightford. “We just want to provide them with a day that is specifically for their enjoyment, relaxation and entertainment. I want to let them know that I appreciate them for parenting for a second time and caring for their children and families, and not allowing them to become victims of the system.”
Read more: Lightford's 10th annual event recognizes grandparents
Senator Heather Steans spoke alongside state government policymakers at the City Club of Chicago Monday to address ways the state can fulfill its pension obligations.
Steans talked about the possible revenue streams that could be used to pay down pension obligations and other methods.
"We have a moral obligation not just to the taxpayers, but to the public employees who have been betting on this," Steans said. "This is their retirement. We have an obligation as well to ... allow them to live dignified lives."
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