SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Murphy joined the rally to Fight for Illinois Families on Friday to speak about the importance of the SAFER Communities Act.
“This bill gives individuals reentering society the opportunity to secure a stable job so they can take care of their families,” said Murphy (D-Des Plaines). “It’s possible to decrease the rate of recidivism by providing incentives to businesses to hire formerly incarcerated individuals.”
Murphy’s measure – the SAFER Communities Act – would task the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity with creating a program that would help formerly incarcerated individuals gain reliable employment. Additionally the program would provide tax credits to employers who hire program participants, with a greater amount offered to small businesses.
Read more: Murphy joins rally to fight for Illinois families
SPRINGFIELD – To help ensure that saving a life does not come at the cost of employment, State Senator Ram Villivalam is moving legislation to give employees up to ten days of paid leave for serving as an organ donor.
"Our state is made up of amazing people who are incredibly giving and care deeply for their neighbors," said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “When someone donates an organ to help a person in need, it is important they are able to take earned leave time off to recuperate."
Read more: Villivalam fights for employee leave for organ donors
SPRINGFIELD – Following restrictive book bannings in Florida and around the nation, State Senator Mike Simmons advanced legislation out of the Senate to prevent books from being banned in Illinois on Thursday.
“Six other states have already led efforts to ban books, and in the 2021-2022 school year more than 2,500 books were banned across the country. We are seeing whole communities being erased from school curricula and libraries, and so by passing SB689 we are getting ahead of this hateful wave and putting Illinois on the right side of history,” said Simmons (D-Chicago).
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton is spearheading a measure to require vital records to indicate whether or not a service-related injury contributed to a veteran’s death.
“The lack of indication behind the cause of a veteran’s death leaves us with more questions than answers,” said Glowiak Hilton (D – Western Springs). “These changes to vital records will help explain the contributing factors behind a veteran’s passing.”
House Bill 2856 would require vital records to list contributing factors behind a veteran’s death. This requirement would ensure survivor benefits and other rights are addressed if the death was caused by a service-related injury.
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