feigenholtz 022725 2CHICAGO — State Senator Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) released the following statement in response to Mayor Brandon Johnson’s plan to add up to 50 speed cameras across Chicago:

“The city’s budget should never be balanced on the backs of Chicagoans, particularly when it comes to speed cameras. Cameras are for safety — not for profit. If the administration is interested in speed cameras, it should review the crash data on its website for DuSable Lake Shore Drive, where there have been over 15,000 vehicle crashes since 2015. The data is clear and it should be guiding our decisions.

“My constituents are adamant that the state and city to do more to address safety and speeding. I have repeatedly taken steps to facilitate collaboration between the Illinois Department of Transportation and Chicago Department of Transportation. I am working with lakefront residents and local traffic safety advocates to address the life-threatening speeds on DuSable Lake Shore Drive and safety on neighborhood streets.

“I will continue to do so with safety — not revenue — top of mind.”