Thanksgiving Pets 2023 v2 FBAs we approach this holiday season, it is important to stay informed on what you can do to keep your pets healthy and safe.

To avoid health risks to your pet:

  • Do not share food with your pets. Fatty foods are hard for pets to digest, and some foods that people eat are toxic to animals. Consider making or buying a treat that is made just for them.
  • When cleaning up, put your trash away from your pet. Dispose of any food scraps in a tightly secured trash bag placed in a closed trash container outdoors or behind a closed, locked door.
  • Be careful with your decorative plants, some can be toxic to pets. The safest plan is to keep your pet away from all plants and table decorations.
  • Quick action saves lives. If you think your pet may have been poisoned, immediately call your veterinarian or local veterinary emergency clinic.

If you’re planning on having a party or guests over, make sure to plan ahead by following these steps:

  • Visitors can upset your pets, especially with a higher-than-usual noise level in your home. You can put them in another room or a crate with their favorite toy. If your pet is particularly upset by houseguests, talk to your veterinarian about possible solutions.
    • If any guests have weakened immune systems, make sure they are aware of any pets in your home so that they can take extra precautions to protect themselves.
  • Watch the exits closely, especially when people are entering and leaving the home.
  • Make sure your pet has proper identification and contact information, particularly a micro-chip. ID tags and microchips reunite families.
  • Watch your pets around festive decorations like lit candles or Christmas trees.

Whether you plan to take your pet with you or leave them behind, there are important steps you must take to protect your pets during the holiday season:

  • Your pet may need a health certificate from your veterinarian if you are traveling across state lines or internationally. Click the links for more information.
  • Never leave pets alone in vehicles, even if it is only for a few minutes, regardless of the weather.
  • Make sure to always safely restrain pets in vehicles, using a secure harness or carrier, placed in a location clear of airbags.
  • Talk with your veterinarian if you’re traveling by air and thinking of bringing your pet with you.
  • If you plan on traveling with your pet, pack for your pet as well as yourself. Bring your pet’s food and medications, medical records, first aid supplies and other items.

Lastly, food safety is something incredibly important to keep in mind this holiday season. Don’t forget to protect your family and loved ones from foodborne illnesses while cooking your Thanksgiving meal preparations. Safe food handling and preparation, as well as hand washing, are important to ensure you have a safe and happy holiday.

For more information on how to keep your pets safe this Thanksgiving and throughout the holidays, visit