School preparedness month

August is School and Campus Preparedness Month. It is back to school season, and students from all over the country and across the globe will flock to Illinois’ many world-class universities. Be sure to stay healthy and safe when returning to campus this academic term.

How can I stay healthy when I return to school?

  • Use hand sanitizer after using the washroom, sitting at a desk, and before meals.
  • Cover your cough with your arm – NOT your hands.
  • Find and save the contact information for you campus medical facility.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather.

What should I do about cyberbullying?

  • Screenshot, print, and save all instances of cyberbullying to build a case.
  • Do not respond to the sender. Responding could escalate the situation.
  • Block the sender if ignoring the situation does not improve the situation.
  • Tell a trusted adult (e.g. parent, professor, counselor) about the situation.

What should I do if there is an active shooter on campus?

  • Consult your university about their specific plans in the event of a shooter.
  • Evacuate the area if there is a safe way to escape.
  • If evacuation is not possible, find a place out of sight that can provide protection.
  • Lock the door and blockade it with heavy furniture if possible.
  • Wait for law enforcement to arrive.

For other potential campus emergencies, familiarize yourself with your university’s disaster plans or visit for more information.