ROCKFORD – State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) was joined by Governor J.B. Pritzker today to announce the expansion of the Illinois Department of Human Services’ COVID-19 Summer Youth Employment Program, creating additional employment opportunities for underserved youth in the Rockford area.
“This is an extremely important program. It gives these kids the opportunity to connect with each other and learn new working experience to prepare them for future careers,” Stadelman said. “This program can help level the playing field. It focuses on low-income kids in the community, giving them an opportunity they may have not otherwise had.”
Read more: Stadelman announces additional funding for Rockford youth employment program
CHICAGO – The Illinois State Board of Education received $569 million through the federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund, and Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) is encouraging districts to apply.
In total, $512 million allocated by ISBE will go directly to Illinois school districts. The funds will support their local response to the COVID-19 pandemic while also preparing schools for unique challenges of the upcoming school year.
“Children in disproportionate communities have been at an unfair disadvantage during the pandemic,” Lightford said, “Being unable to continue your education without the adequate tools should not be a punishment. Schools should take advantage of these grants to make sure children are staying ahead.”
Read more: Lightford encourages school districts to apply for COVID-19 relief education grants
“If our two movements unite their social pioneering initiatives, thirty years from now people will look back on this day and honor those who had the vision to see the full possibilities of modern society and the courage to fight for their realization,” said Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., referring to the Civil Rights and Labor Movements, in a 1965 address at the Illinois State AFL-CIO’s 8th annual convention.
SPRINGFIELD – Nearly 55 years after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his renowned speech at the Illinois State AFL-CIO’s 8th annual convention, in which he predicted that future generations would look back and honor those who sought to unite the Civil Rights and Labor Movements, State Senator Andy Manar (D-Bunker) is leading an effort to make Dr. King’s words a reality.
Read more: Manar moves to memorialize MLK Jr.’s 1965 speech at Illinois AFL-CIO convention
Chairwomen Crowe, Stuart pleased by collaborative effort
MARYVILLE – Recognizing the devastating effects isolation and emotional abuse could have on seniors during the pandemic, State Senator Rachelle Crowe (D-Glen Carbon) led a discussion about how to create additional protections for seniors at the final meeting of the Elder Abuse Task Force held Wednesday via teleconference.
“As a former prosecutor, I have witnessed numerous cases of older people being targeted, from scams to criminal abuse. Getting all involved departments into one discussion was an effective way to hear about the many forms elder abuse can take and the many ways it can harm,” Crowe said. “Considering the initiatives the group is exploring, I’m confident they’ll provide solutions we can act on to fight this growing threat to our elders.”
Read more: Elder Abuse Task Force meets to discuss issues related to COVID-19
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